Useful Links

There is a wealth of information and useful links about Freemasonry online. Some of it is reliable and honest, much of it is not.

When researching Freemasonry, only trust reputable and reliable sources and ignore those with an axe to grind. There is a lot of nonsense spread about Masons that is untrue. In fact, much of what is said goes directly against the fundamental principles of Freemasonry.

Below are links to more information about Freemasonry. You might also like to read our Introduction Booklet, or visit our Video and Q&A pages too;

Masonic Organisations

Each major jurisdiction has a central Site. This should be the first place to look. In England (and many other countries), that organisation is UGLE – United Grand Lodge of England Website.

UGLE also has a Q&A page that you might like, Frequently Asked Questions About Freemasonry.

Under UGLE, Masonry is managed at a Provincial level. For the UK, that typically means Counties. To find your local Provincial website, search “[your county] province freemasonry”. For us, the reference is the Surrey Provincial Website.


When you become a Mason, there will be a few things you need to wear – referred to as Regalia. There are many places online that sell it (including Amazon). The official UGLE shop is Letchworth’s. It is likely that your Lodge will provide your Entered Apprentice Apron as you will only need it for a while. Likewise your Fellow Craft apron. When you progress to Master Mason you’ll probably be expected to buy your own, which you will wear for a few years. You will also need to get a pair of white gloves although these are often given as a gift to a new-made Mason.

Other Links

For information about Masonic History, Pietre Stones is quite a good resource.

There are many famous people who are also Freemasons. You can find some in our image gallery. This site has a good list too – Famous Freemasons Through The Years.

For more Useful Masonic Related Links try this page from Surrey Province.

Have any other links for us?  Get in touch