Getting Back To Masonic Business

Restart Coming Soon

We’re as relieved as I’m sure you are, to see that the threat from Covid is diminishing. Assuming the government plans are correct, we’ll be able to get back to Masonic business again from 21st June with unrestricted numbers.

Many Lodges are already getting back into the swing with restricted numbers of people. Our last official meeting was supposed to be in April and the next scheduled meeting is not until September. However, we still need to finalise the move to Farnham and so we will need to hold an emergency meeting to do this.

It’s been agreed that we will try and do this some time in July so that;

  1. the centre is fully open and operational again, and
  2. we can meet in full rather than having to restrict numbers. 

We have been fortunate not to lose anyone from the Lodge to Covid. The widow of one of our founder members was very ill for a time but managed to fight off Covid as well as other ailments and is now back home convalescing. 

Others have not been so lucky and we send our thoughts and prayers to the families and friends of all Brethren that passed to the Grand Lodge above during the pandemic.

Back to Business

Looking to the future we’re excited to formalise the move to Farnham. Then comes the usual summer of learning ahead of getting properly back to business with the new Masonic year starting in the autumn. No doubt this summer will be tricky, trying to recall the rituals that we’ve not performed for over a year.

Personally, I’m lucky that the Deacons have fewer words to remember than others – unless we get a new candidate of course!  But never the less I’m really looking forward to progressing up to Senior Deacon in December.

Other Business

In case you didn’t hear, UGLE issued it’s first ever annual report recently. You can read the full report here.

The extended-reach appliances that were funded by London Masons were used recently at the building fire in Poplar. I mentioned their purchase in blog post a year ago. 

Stay safe.

S&F Paul C.



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