Farnham Masonic Centre

Moving to Farnham Confirmed

Farnham, here we come

Happy news, we have now confirmed our move to Farnham Masonic Centre.

Province has given their blessing to us moving permanently to Farnham, after a lot of work behind the scenes by our Bro. Secretary; 

We won’t however, be holding any more meetings in the Bisley temple due to timing and the impact of Covid-19. Our next meeting will, therefore, be our Installation on 22nd September.

Staying put, Moving Up

It’s common at an Installation, for officers to progress and people to change roles within the Lodge. There’s more about Progression on our FAQ Page if you’re interested.

However, again due to Covid-19, the required notices and elections haven’t taken place and so our current WM, Mark, has kindly agreed to continue for another year.

There is some progression for other members though, which is exciting for the four of us involved.

  • IG will be moving to JD
  • JD will be moving to SD
  • SD will be moving to JW
  • JW will be moving to SW

Provincial Rank

Surrey Province announced new Provincial offices over the suspension period, and two Oak Tree members have benefitted. One of our members got his first Provincial position; becoming Provincial Grand Steward. Another member received a Promotion to Provincial Grand Sword Bearer.

It’s great that Oak Tree Lodge received recognition by Province, despite being a small lodge. Hopefully, this will add to the new impetus we’re looking for to really grow our membership.

Random Dates

The only downside to moving to a busy place like Farnham Masonic Centre is fitting our dates in the Calendar. At Bisley, we had a recognised pattern of dates for meetings and LofI but this proved impossible at Farnham.

At the time of writing we have confirmed our four main meetings for the year for Tuesdays in September and December, a Friday in January and a Thursday in April which is not ideal.

Our LofI dates are likely to be similarly disjointed. We’ll know more once we receive confirmation from the Centre. If you’re interested in attending a meeting, or an LofI, please check the Diary Dates page or email contactus@oaktreelodge9408.org.uk.

Stay Safe.

Stay Safe Covid-19

S&F – Paul C.

3 thoughts on “Moving to Farnham Confirmed

  1. Michael Fenech says:

    I am sec to St Andrews Lodge no 806 and have had the privilege of attending Oaktree Mark at Bisley.
    Would welcome the opoortiunity to visit when life becomes NORMAL. If I can be of any assistance., pease conatct me.
    Michael Fenech.

    • p4uljch4pm4n says:

      Hi Michael – Just spotted your comment, thanks for getting in touch and for your kind offer of help.

      We’re looking forward to getting settled into the Farnham Centre once we get back to normal. If you’d like to come along to an Oak Tree craft meeting in the New Year as my guest you’d be very welcome – I’m sure there will be a few familiar faces!

      Rgds, Paul Chapman

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